Corporate Training


Synergistic Financial Advisors specializes in Corporate Training Courses. SFA training is a comprehensive training program focused on providing on-site financial training to corporations for new hires, lateral hires and current professionals. SFA Training offers a wide variety of topics ranging from Basic to Advanced levels. Our courses are designed for participants with various backgrounds, including finance professionals and managers. SFA’s training services include the following:

Excel Training

Excel Training comprises of two separate training courses. Training sessions are conducted using practical examples, developed in consultation with the client to ensure each division within the client’s company can develop a better understanding of their business model. Such an exercise results in improved teamwork and collaboration across various divisions.

Intermediate MS Excel
Course objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of basic features found in Microsoft Excel 2007. Topics covered include the following:

  • Excel Best Practices
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • MS Excel 2007 Tabs
  • Excel Built-in Formulas
Advanced MS Excel
Course objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of advanced functions found in Microsoft Excel 2007. Topics covered include the following:

  • Transpose Data
  • Incorporate Logical Functions
  • Regression Analysis
  • Solver and Lookup Functions

Financial Modeling

Financial Modeling is separated into two distinct training courses, Basic and Advanced Financial Modeling. These courses are designed with the objective of providing a comprehensive overview of the latest analytical tools used by financial advisors and industry consultants to develop financial statements, while applying Globally Accepted Best Practices. Basic Financial Modeling skills are a prerequisite for the Advanced Financial Modeling course.

Basic Financial Modeling
Course objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the methodology, to be followed for drafting a financial model. A complete Financial Model of a Company is developed using actual Financial Statements and accompany foot notes. Topics covered include the following:

  • Financial Statement Modeling in Excel
  • Incorporate Forecasts into the Model
  • Formulate a Discounting Cash Flow model
  • Perform Sensitivity & Risk Analysis
  • Debt Schedule
  • Capital Budgeting Schedule
Advanced Financial Modeling
Course objective is to enable the participants to develop financial models for companies facing liquidity constraints. Advanced Valuation Techniques like Merger and Acquisition, Leverage Buyout Modeling and issues like Liquidity Constraints are dealt in this course. Topics covered include the following:

  • Leverage Buy-Out Modeling
  • Merger and Acquisition
  • Comparable Analysis
  • Options and Treasury Stock
  • Private Equity Portfolio Modeling
  • Industry specific Modeling

Management Science Modeling

Building on our experience of the industry, SFA has developed Management Sciences Modeling courses to accomplish the goals and address the problems faced by the management of different business. This segment is subdivided into two categories.

NPV and Capital Budgeting
Course objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of tools used to evaluate projects. Topics covered include the following:

  • Incorporating input flexibility
  • Set constrains for Capital Budgeting
  • Solver function for Capital Budgeting
  • Optimal project selection
Breakeven Analysis
The objective is to develop understanding of relationship between demand/supply and variable/fixed costs of a product. Topics covered include the following:

  • How to determine Fixed & variable Costs
  • Perform Breakeven Analysis
  • Sensitivity Analysis of Break even Analysis
  • Optimization Techniques

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