SFA Research
Synergistic Financial Advisors (“SFA”) is a diversified financial services firm catering to various client segments, we offer financial and analytical support to businesses, corporations, financial institutions and individual professionals. Through its six core business divisions, SFA has the ability to offer comprehensive tailor-made solutions to its diversified clientele. We provide financial services ranging from Research Reports, Corporate Training, Portfolio Management and Outsourcing services to Corporate Finance Advisory. SFA believes in investing in human capital, our most important competitive asset is the skill set of our management team. Our Management team consists of seasoned industry professionals with strong academic background including CFA Charter holders, CFA candidates, MBA’s and individuals with high economic acumen. Our highly experienced and skilled management team is capable of performing complex and daunting tasks seamlessly, while meeting tight deadlines. Checkout quality of Our research and analytical models We provide you with CFA Charterholders Get an overview of our business and offerings
Our team consists of experienced and qualified individuals (MBAs, ACCA qualified and CFA qualified) who have expertise across variety of sectors including Technology, Oil u0026#038; Gas, Power, financial and economy. By working on numerous projects around the globe we have gained unrivaled and supreme financial skills. Our professionals have built a large data base of knowledge that we apply to fulfill our client unique needs and deliver them sophisticated solutions. We strongly believe on developing a mutually beneficial relationship with our clients. Capitalizing on accumulated knowledge and experience SFA provides complete breadth and depth of financial services ranging from low cost equity research to analyst outsourcing. Our dedicated team headed by CFA qualified person who strictly adhere to CFA professional code of conduct, ethical standard and preservation of client’s confidentiality
About Us
Our Policy
Our Management adheres to the CFA institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct with a strong emphasis on research objectivity as well as preservation of confidentiality. Our compliance department ensures the quality of research as well as encourages our analysts to follow CFA institute code of ethics and professional conduct.
Key Management
We are qualified professionals
Our Clientele
Analyst Outsourcing
24/7 access to qualified professionals at your finger tips Project Based Sector specialists provide specialized expertise in either financial modeling or research writing. Contract is based on the nature of project Full Time Contract one individual as a full-time analyst to work up-to 60 hours / week Analyst will remain available round the clock via telephone / e-mail/Skype Analyst’s working hours will be consistent with the client’s time-zone The client may assign as many ad-hoc tasks and requests to the analyst assigned SFA associate overlook the analyst for quality control Contract duration: 3 months, 6 months or 12 months
Corporate Finance Advisory
Synergistic Financial Advisors possess the capabilities to provide investment banking support including preparation of Information Memoranda, Investor Presentations, identifying, analyzing and consummating mergers u0026#038; acquisitions for owners of privately held businesses or public companies divesting divisions and subsidiaries. In addition we assist clients with capital sourcing for recapitalizations, restructurings, growth, shareholder buyout, or other similar needs, and work extensively with our clients on their exit planning. SFA’s corporate finance advisory includes the following: Services for Sellers SFA helps business owners sell their business using a process that maximizes value while maintaining any other non-financial objectives. Services for Buyers SFA assists its clients in building and executing an acquisition plan, in addition to assisting management in planning and executing Management Buy-Outs (MBO). Capital Sourcing Our established relationships with hundreds of capital sources enable us to identify the most appropriate financial partners and complete transactions that optimize value and terms. Strategic Value/Exit Planning A significant portion of our services revolve around strategic consulting and value engineering. We apply our expertise and experience in assisting our clients to realize the value they have created, execute growth plans, and prepare and position their companies for sale.
Corporate Training
Synergistic Corporate Training course demonstrate the application of finance theory and management sciences by understanding basic accounting principal and their implications on real-world issues. Courses have been designed by corporate finance and equity research team of SFA. While keeping in view analytical and quality control requirements imposed by international consulting firms. The instructor provides hands-on practical instructions and participants get an opportunity to see the instructor follow Globally Accepted Best Practices. Our Training courses are a synthesis of training programs adopted by leading investment banks and management consulting firms. The application of investment banking and management consulting frameworks allows the course participants to quickly analyze a situation, break down key drivers and significantly improve Analytical skills. Key Learning Outcomes Over view of Financial Modeling Building comprehensive financial models from scratch the way it is done at major financial institutions Standard formatting best practices Excel best practices, efficient formula construction, and appropriate driver selections Learn to use data tables to present various sensitivities to projected financial metrics Balancing the balance accounts, including, excess cash and revolver Incorporate Valuation Techniques How to develop a control page Incorporate risk analysis techniques
Equity Research
Our equity research team provides premium research services within agreed deadlines. Our associates (usually CFAs, MBAs or ACCA’s,) provide a full range of equity research services, ranging from searching and aggregating data, initiating coverage, building / updating financial models to complementing our client’s effort in publishing quarterly updates. Our services also include industry and sector analysis, analysis of regulatory regime and analysis of bond yields / credit market instruments. Our typical equity research report spans 20-30 pages and contains detailed analysis of a stock, including: Investment highlights; Investment risks; SWOT analysis; Forecast of financial statements; Valuation, both absolute (DCF analysis) and relative (based on PE, PS, EV/EBITDA and other multiples); Company profile (analysis of business model, products, assets etc.); Financial statement analysis; Industry analysis. Reports can be prepared either on client’s own template or on our proprietary template. The structure of the report can be tailored to meet client’s needs and may exclude some sections or include others. Also, reports can be prepared as a one-time only service, or can be updated regularly, as per client needs. Updates can include quarterly updates only, or quarterly updates plus research notes reflecting material events. This outsourcing product mainly attracts Equity researchu0026hellip;
Technical Research
Portfolio Management
Synergistic Financial Advisors places a special emphasis on its Portfolio Management Services, our Portfolio Management Services ranges from full blown active strategies aimed at maximizing outperformance to highly efficient indexing strategies. Choice of the strategy utilized for portfolio management is contingent on our client’s investment objectives. Our unique value proposition is our experience and emphasis placed on developing a suitable Investment Policy Statement (“IPS”) for our clients to determine the macro asset allocation. We are well cognizant of the fact that understanding the client’s Investment Objectives and Constraints is the key to a mutually beneficial and a long lasting relationship with the client. Therefore a considerable time is taken out to develop an in-depth understanding of our client’s Investment Objectives and Constraints. Portfolio Management Services include the following: Institutional Wealth Management Synergistic Financial Advisors provides a broad range of services to various institutional investors, we provide sophisticated client-focused investment solutions tailored to meet each client’s unique needs. We specialize in providing wealth management services to Pension Plans, Provident Funds, Foundations, Endowments, Insurance Companies and Cash Allocation for Corporations. Following systematic approach is utilized by SFA for providing Institutional Management Services: Determining the relevant information on the basis of client’s typeu0026hellip;
Meezan Bank Financial Model Apple corporation Financial Model Industry Report On PTA
Our Clientele